Utkal University announced Exam Schedule Time Table for +3 Arts, Science, Commerce students. Programme For The 2nd University Examination (Regular & Back) Of Three-Year Degree Course In Arts / Science /Commerce (General & Honours), 2017.
Utkal University Exam Schedule 2017
+3 2nd Year Arts / Commerce /Science
The students admitted to +3 Degree Courses during the Academic Session, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 Bachelor of Arts / Science and Commerce) required to appear at the Second University Examination 2017 commencing as per the following time schedule in conformity with the revised Regulations and Syllabus.
+3 2nd Year (Regular & Back) Examination, 2017
For 75/100 Marks - 08.00 A.M. to 11 00 A.M.
For 50 Marks - 08.00 A.M. to 10.00 A M
THEORY: 29/03/2017 to 12/04/2017
PRAC: 29/04/2017 to 10/05/2017
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