Hindi (TLH)
Revised Pattern of Evaluation & Distribution of Marks For H.S.C. Examination 2018
PART - 1
(i) Fifteen MCQ from Prose [1x15=15
(a) Five MCQ type
(b) Five one word answer type
(c) Five fill in the blanks.
(ii) Ten MCQ from Poetry [1x10=10
(a) Five MCQ type
(b) Five one word answer
(iii) Twenty Five MCQ from Grammar [1x25=25
(a) Fifteen MCQ from Text-Book of Prose & Poetry
(b) Ten MCQ from Grammar Text-Book.
Total = 50
N.B.: Four probable answer to be given for each MCQ to choose correct one.
PART - 2
Q.1. Two questions out of three questions from Prose are to be answer in Two Or Three sentences carrying 5 marks each
[5 x 2 = 10
Q.2. Two questions out of three questions from Poetry are to be answer in Two Or Three sentences carrying 5 marks each
[5 x 2 = 10
Q.3. Translation Of 5 sentences out of 8 Sentences from mother-tongue to Hindi, carrying 2 marks each
[2 x 5 = 10
Q.4. Un-seen Passage - Five questions to be set from the passage carrying 2 marks each
[2 x 5 = 10
Q.5. Grammar : Five Sentences will be asked for Correction in structure carrying 2 marks each
[2 x 5 = 10
[5 x 2 = 10
Q.2. Two questions out of three questions from Poetry are to be answer in Two Or Three sentences carrying 5 marks each
[5 x 2 = 10
Q.3. Translation Of 5 sentences out of 8 Sentences from mother-tongue to Hindi, carrying 2 marks each
[2 x 5 = 10
Q.4. Un-seen Passage - Five questions to be set from the passage carrying 2 marks each
[2 x 5 = 10
Q.5. Grammar : Five Sentences will be asked for Correction in structure carrying 2 marks each
[2 x 5 = 10
TOTAL MARKS: PART 1 (50) + PART 2 (50) = 100 MARKS
Sir FLH [Hindi] 2016-2017-2018 ka question objective and subjective paper छोड़िएc