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BSE: Annual HSC Exam 2018 - SLE (English) - Revised Pattern of Examination

Dec 8, 2017 | 174 Views
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BSE: Annual HSC Exam 2018 - Second Language English (SLE) - Revised Pattern of Examination, The following is the Revised Pattern of Evaluation & Distribution of Marks For H.S.C. Examination 2018 for Second Language English (SLE).
The following is the Revised Pattern of Evaluation & Distribution of Marks For H.S.C. Examination 2018 for Second Language English (SLE).

Revised Pattern of Evaluation & Distribution of Marks For H.S.C. Examination 2018

PART - 1 

1. Ten MCQ from Grammar - 1 x 10 = 10
2. Ten MCQ from Vocabulary & Language Usage from Prose Text  - 1 x 10 = 10
3. Ten MCQ from Prose portion - 1 x 10 = 10
4. Ten MCQ from Poem portion - 1 x 10 = 10
5. Ten MCQ from Non-detailed Studies - 1 x 10 = 10

N.B.All the objective questions shall have four choices each to choose the correct answer.

PART - 2 

Q1. Two questions from Prose with internal choice to be answered within 50 words carrying 5 (five) marks each - 5+5 = 10

Q2. One Essay (out of three) to be written within 250 words. Outline for each Essay to be given. - 12

Q3. One Letter or Application with Internal option to be written Within 100 Words. - 10 

Q4. Summary writing (A passage in about 180 words be given) or report Writing. - 08 

Q5. Un-seen passage : (In about 150 words) Five short answer type questions to answer within 20 words carrying 2 marks each. - 2 x 5 = 10

TOTAL MARKS: PART 1 (50) + PART 2 (50) = 100 MARKS

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